(I can not view my blog, but I still can publish and edit.)
(February 11, 1861)
This was my first time to notice these beautiful building in my hometown, Foshan, one of the four famous ancient town aged over thousand years in China.
In the romantic years, I liked to sit on the backseat of my boyfriend’s bicycle, and cruised around the town to view the attractive old buildings. At this age, I was able to identify the Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, and Rococo elements from the visuals of Fu Lu Shou (three Chinese lucky gods), and Ba Xian Guo Ha (The Eight Immortals Cross The Sea) carved in the poles, roofs, and arches.
This kind of building, usually, had two floors, while some of them may have three layers. The first floor was used as store, and the upper floors reached out above sidewalks, looking like they were riding above the sidewalk, so they were called Qi Lou (riding building).
Partially, Qi Lous were built around one hundred years ago, between the Qing Dynasty and the period of Republic of China, by the overseas Chinese who returned home after getting fame or money from Canada, Australia, or U.S. This is why they could creatively compounded the western style with Chinese traditional elements.
The Overseas Chinese, with historic significance, characterize the Guangdong culture; and Qi Lou is the symbol for this historic era and generation.
Foshan's Qi Lou may be not as delicate as the others in Guangzhou or somewhere else, but it surely was a part of the life style in the passed years.
After the boyfriend became a husband, and I became a mother, occasionally, I would go back to this old town to show my daughter what I was interested when I was a kid. To my disappointed, each time I found that the Qi Lous were being licked up by the glass-curtain wall buildings and giant shopping malls. The local style was cover with the modern building by the government’s Old City Rebuilding Program.
Diao Lou
No matter destroying or protecting as tourism resource, Qi Lous and Diao Lous, these one hundred age’s historic architecture are going far away from people’s daily life, to say nothing of the architecture over hundreds or thousands years, like Forbidden City, Great Wall, . Is there anything to do with common people, excepting they occasionally buying one or two tickets to visit these sites? How these people can concern something that they could not see, touch, feel, and breath everyday? If I ask an Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, or Chinese, “Do you love to live with traditional architecture?” Am I sure to get a positive answer? Apartments may be the better choice for them, I guess.
Trees will die without earth and water, even if they were as tall as reaching the sky.
Cultural heritage can not survive if it only stays in tourism places and museums, where what we can see is heritage culture's corpse, dead culture.
Qi Lous in Kai Ping County
Endless Anguish !!!
In the picture, Dad was against by Mom, a fair lady in a fashion dress and hair style in those days.
It was Dad, in this yellowed-old picture.
What a crowded class room!
I complained about the snail-slow reading course. This is the first lesson for the 3rd grade reading class, when my daughter went to a classical school in Chicago. This story covers 15 pages, and the whole text book contains over 700 pages.
This is an image chosen from a 3rd grade reading book of China’s elementary school. If my daughter stayed in China, she would use this book. There are 500 words and 3 half-page in this lesson.
As far as I know, children in United States start reading and writing in their 5-year-old, in kindergarten. In China, there are some education experts oppose children reading early. Most kids in China learn their first word in 1st grade. But my daughter, before she went to school, she was an independent reader. After one week of her 1st year in school, I found that she could recite all the reading text from beginning to the end. This snail-slow reading classes spoils students reading interest, so that reading has become a severe problem in Chinese literature education.
I complained about depressed relationship with teacher. In China, a teacher are commanders and conquers in each class. Although there no any rule demanding students should obey teacher unconditionally, in fact, no one dare to disobey teachers.
After my daughter came to Chicago, she felt very happy. One day she told me, “Mom, in Chicago, I can drink water in class. But in China, we were forbidden to drink in class no matter how thirsty we were, while the teacher was holding her tea mug when she was teaching in the class. ”
Abdel wrote this proverb in his blog this week, “Who wants the peace, prepare the war”. This saying means there is no peace without war. It sounds ridiculous. However, after you look backward, it seems everything in this world you could not get without a payment, struggling is what you need to pay. So, for a time being, I have to admit this truth, war for peace. But, is it really could get a real heart peace after so many struggling?
For many years, I have a dream about my peace life which I can not completely resist its attempt today. I always dream about my backyard with an old phoenix tree covered by dark green leaves, swaying near my window. Inside the window, there is a neat desk without any tiny dust or disorder paper, shinning its sheer brown in the light through the window. An opened book which I was reading a couple minutes before is left on the desk. The warm coffee flavor is floating in the air, which I am making in the white, bright and big kitchen. I have plenty of time so I can gaze at the phoenix tree hour and hour. I can read my favorite book at any time and stop at any time. I do not care about the dinner menu; I won’t be bother by the cooking odor on my hair. And, I do not need to rush to pick up my kid. Everything is under my control, including my heart.
But, how about the phoenix tree is not planted in my backyard? How about the thick leaves cover the ground I have to clean up just because I should pay for his beauty during the summer and autumn? How about a piece of leaflet tucked in a pile of newspaper left on my desk? The dinner and picking up are hard to omit otherwise it certainly cost me not only the money. Peace is so fragile; it would disappear before you really get hold of it.
It is fog or not.
It comes at midnight, leaves at DAWN.
It comes like a fancy dream, pretty and short;
It leaves like morning dew without spot.
This poem was written by a famous Chinese poet in Tang Dynasty, Bai Ju Yi. With this poem, he left a puzzle in this world over thousand years. Up to now, no one in this earth could figure out what the poet was telling. But, today I can guess that it is about peace, which is so rare to get hold of even if someone have been struggling so much, longing for so much.
Peace is not a fortune which you could not assume just right in the street corner. If you always believe that the peace is right somewhere waiting for you, you never can get it. For many years, I have been traveling around the earth, from plain to tableland, from ocean to mountain, from orient to occident. I am tracing a dreaming peace, like the persistent crazy man Kua Fu tracing the sun. Finally, I found that I never get rid of something no matter how far I went. The more I long for, the more pain I get, and the farther the peace is. No matter how many roads I had walked down, I just could not escape from my heart. Everything surround me looks like helpless with my dream. How can a busy heart find its peace?
Peace is just at the top of one’s nose, in every moment, if you have peaceful heart. Like someone wears a pair of green or brown sunglasses, when you look through the screens, everything is in the color of green or brown. The same, what a peaceful heart can feel? Peace, that’s all. You can not escape from your heart, so, just stay with it, with the peace, if it was.
There is an old story in
sons, elder one sold umbrellas, and younger one sold salt. When it was rainy, the old lady worried about the younger one’s salt would be affected with damp and had no business. When it was sunny, she would worried about the elder one could not sold the umbrellas. She suffered this worriment for a long time until she accepted a wisdom suggestion. In sunny days, she thought that the younger son would have a good sale; in rainy days, she thought there must be a plenty of people need to buy her elder son’s umbrella. The old lady was happy at last. She obtained her peace by change her mind.
This story demonstrats what the Buddha had told us that surrounding depends on mind, surrounding would be changed as mind’s changing; everything in the world is nothing but mind.
Also, there is similar lesson told by Jesus, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." A Christian must know to find peace of heart, only what they should do is by knowing how to follow God's will. Where is God guiding to? To my understanding, it is no more than one’s heart, the trinity heart.
Peace on Earth Begins with Inner Peace. This is my faith.
There are so many flowers in spring as well as the moon in autumn.
There is cool breeze in summer as well as the snows in winter.
If there is not tangle lingering in one’s heart,
All of them would be a good season in the world.
Spring Song